- Gemma O'Connor, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Investigating the drivers of glacier retreat in West Antarctica using proxy-data assimilation and numerical modeling. 2023.
- Jessica Badgeley, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Quantifying Changes in Climate and Surface Elevation of Polar Ice Sheets During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition. 2022.
- Emma Kahle, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Climate reconstructions from ice cores: New techniques to understand the information preserved in the South Pole ice core. 2020.
- Julia Kelson, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Terrestrial Paleoclimate of the Cenozoic: Insights from and Developments of the Soil Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometer. 2019.
- Michael Kipp, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Co-evolution of Life and Environment across Earth History: Empirical & Modeling Constraints on Nutrient Cycling, the Rise of Oxygen, and Eukaryotic Evolution. 2019.
- Landon Burgener, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: A Window into Terrestrial Paleoclimate: Soil Carbonate Formation Processes and Climate Proxy Applications. 2018.
- Keith Hodson, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Structural controls and diagenetic conditions associated with fluid migration on the Moab Fault, UT. 2018.
- Matthew Koehler, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: The co-evolution of life and the nitrogen cycle on the early Earth. 2018.
- John Robinson, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: Climate driven changes in nitrate deposition and preservation over the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. 2018.
- Brad Markle, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Climate dynamics revealed in ice cores: advances in techniques, theory, and interpretation. 2017.
- Qianjie Chen, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Modeling and observational constraints on tropospheric sulfur-halogen interactions. 2017.
- Christopher French, University of Washington, M.S. Dissertation: An isotopic analysis of geothermal brine and calcite scaling from the Blue Mountain geothermal field, Winnemucca, Nevada. 2016.
- Kelly Hillbun, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Re-Evaluating the Late Devonian Mass Extinction: A Geochemical Investigation of the Relationship between Carbon Isotope Fluctuations, Faunal Turnover, and Paleoenvironmental Change Recorded in Upper Devonian Carbonates of the Lennard Shelf, Western Australia. 2015.
- Kristina Sumner, University of Washington, M.S. Dissertation: Assessing Fracture Connectivity using Stable and Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Calcite Cements. 2015.
- Maria Zatko, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Snow nitrate photolysis in polar regions and the mid-latitudes: Impact on boundary layer chemistry and implications for ice core records. 2015.
- Karl Lang, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: The persistence of rapid exhumation in the eastern Himalayan syntaxis. 2014.
- Eva E. Stüeken, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Early evolution of environments and metabolism: insights from nitrogen, selenium and sulfur isotopes. 2014.
- Shane D. Schoepfer, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Nutrients, Productivity, and Redox Conditions during Greenhouse Extinctions in the Panthalassic Ocean. 2014.
- Spruce Schoenemann, University of Washington, Ph.D Dissertation: Fundamental controls on triple oxygen-isotope ratios in Antarctic precipitation and ice cores. 2014.
- Thomas S. Tobin, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Stable Isotopes in Unstable Times: A geochemical investigation of the end Cretaceous mass extinction. 2014.
- Sarah C. Bergman, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: Tracing paleofluid sources using clumped isotope thermometry of diagenetic cements along the Moab Fault, Utah. 2013.
- Caroline Pew, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Hanna Basin, WY: Constraints from organic carbon isotopes and palynological data. 2013.
- Eric D. Sofen, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Isotopic investigation of anthropogenic- and climate-driven changes in sulfate and nitrate aerosol production. 2013.
- Peter D. Neff, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: Ice-core net snow accumulation and seasonal snow chemistry at a temperate-glacier site: Mount Waddington, southwest British Columbia, Canada. 2012.
- Nathan A Peters, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: Hot or not? Impact of seasonally variable soil carbonate formation on paleotemperature and O-isotope records from clumped isotope thermometry. 2012.
- Jelte Harnmeijer, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Squeezing Blood From A Stone: Inferences Into The Life and Depositional Environments Of The Early Archaean. 2010.
- Shelley A. Kunasek, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Advances in reconstructing past atmospheric oxidation chemistry using the oxygen isotope composition of nitrate and sulfate in ice cores. 2009.
- Daniel J. Allman, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: Quantifying sulfate formation pathways downwind of the Sahara desert: Influence of dust aerosols on the marine boundary layer sulfur budget. 2009.
- Joseph L. Flaherty, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: Interannual variability of deuterium excess in Antarctic precipitation. 2008.
- Julia C. Jarvis, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Isotopic Studies of Ice Core Nitrate and Atmospheric Nitrogen Oxides in Polar Regions. 2008.
- Lora S. Koenig, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Firn properties relevant to passive microwave remote sensing, 2008.
- Kenneth H. Williford, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Biogeochemistry of the Triassic/Jurassic boundary. 2007.
- Summer B. Rupper, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Glacier Sensitivity and Regional Climate: Past and Present. 2007.
- David P. Schneider, University of Washington, Ph.D. Dissertation: Antarctic climate of the past 200 years from an integration of instrumental, satellite, and ice core proxy data, 2005.
- Summer Rupper, University of Washington, M.S. Thesis: On the relationship between snow accumulation at Mt. Logan, Yukon, and climate variability in the North Pacific, 2003.