CN-S Configuration Switching
EXPIRED - we no longer have the Costech at UW so ....
This document describes how to switch Shrek from CN to S or vice versa.
Appropriate precautions should be taken to protect yourself against the high temperatures of the elemental analyzer and the reagents used therein. Users should wear safety glasses and leather gloves when removing hot columns. Preparing the combustion / reduction / desiccant columns should take place in the hood and users should wear nitrile gloves. Users are expected to know the contents of the MSDS for each of the ingredients of the columns and know what to do in case of exposure or spillage.
Quick Start
- pack all columns for the method you will be switching to
- install those columns in appropriate EA
- close the needle valve and verify vacuum
- close isodat
- switch all valves
- helium conflo
- oxygen
- mass spec vs flow meter / vent
- valco switching valve
- swap conflo communication cables
- turn the EA on that was off
- do an initial leak check with mini gas leak detector at all connections you just adjusted
- pull hot columns from EA that was on
- turn this EA off
- adjust sulfur window
- turn on / off SO2 cylinder
- allow new EA to heat up and purge for a day
Exhaustive Protocol
- install those columns in appropriate EA
- close the needle valve and verify vacuum
- close isodat
- switch all valves
- helium conflo
- oxygen
- mass spec vs flow meter / vent
- valco switching valve
- swap conflo communication cables
- turn the EA on that was off
- do an initial leak check with mini gas leak detector at all connections you just adjusted
- pull hot columns from EA that was on
- turn this EA off
- adjust sulfur window
- turn on / off SO2 cylinder
- allow new EA to heat up and purge for a day
Last updated: 2024-11-16 20:14:22